Month: April 2021



We are looking for students who are studying to become Chartered Accountants to join our team. If you are interested, please send us your Contact Details and CV using the submission form.




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test accordian corp citizenship

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Within our objective, we aim to create an environment where every employee is treated equally, and with respect.

Elements of our objective include:

  • Providing our employees with the skills to do their jobs effectively and investing in training and development.
  • Maintaining a culture where inclusion, diversity, and flexible work practices are the norm.
  • Fostering a work environment that supports the health, safety, and well-being of our employees.
  • Nurturing established corporate values that make our people feel proud to be part of our firm.

Essential to our objective is the creation of a work environment in which our people treat one another with dignity, fairness and respect. We constantly encourage our employees to develop to their fullest potential, helping them understand that they will be held accountable for their work but can also expect recognition for the value they deliver.

We believe in financial empowerment for our clients, stakeholders and all those who wish to work with us. Therefore, our corporate responsibility objective is to build a high-performance corporate culture that delivers long-term value.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race or gender. Our Corporate Citizenship is integral to our Corporate Identity; thus the fair and respectful treatment of each of our employees is essential. Our employees’ empowerment is our success.

Consistent Corporate Governance is also a key component of our approach. Within our strategy we ensure that all of our stakeholders maintain high standards of excellence in Corporate Governance.

We understand that our responsibility does not just stop at our offices.  Therefore, we are keenly aware of our responsibility towards the environment and how we can reduce any possible negative impact our business might have. This includes our responsibility for the sustainable development of our society through upliftment initiatives. We value empowerment through education, enterprise development and sustainable job creation.

We believe in financial empowerment for our clients, stakeholders and all those who wish to work with us. Therefore, our corporate responsibility objective is to build a high-performance corporate culture that delivers long-term value.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race or gender. Our Corporate Citizenship is integral to our Corporate Identity; thus the fair and respectful treatment of each of our employees is essential. Our employees’ empowerment is our success.

Consistent Corporate Governance is also a key component of our approach. Within our strategy we ensure that all of our stakeholders maintain high standards of excellence in Corporate Governance.

We understand that our responsibility does not just stop at our offices.  Therefore, we are keenly aware of our responsibility towards the environment and how we can reduce any possible negative impact our business might have. This includes our responsibility for the sustainable development of our society through upliftment initiatives. We value empowerment through education, enterprise development and sustainable job creation.

Corporate Citizenship

Within our objective, we aim to create an environment where every employee is treated equally, and with respect.

Elements of our objective include:

  • Providing our employees with the skills to do their jobs effectively and investing in training and development.
  • Maintaining a culture where inclusion, diversity, and flexible work practices are the norm.
  • Fostering a work environment that supports the health, safety, and well-being of our employees.
  • Nurturing established corporate values that make our people feel proud to be part of our firm.

Essential to our objective is the creation of a work environment in which our people treat one another with dignity, fairness and respect. We constantly encourage our employees to develop to their fullest potential, helping them understand that they will be held accountable for their work but can also expect recognition for the value they deliver.

We believe in financial empowerment for our clients, stakeholders and all those who wish to work with us. Therefore, our corporate responsibility objective is to build a high-performance corporate culture that delivers long-term value.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race or gender. Our Corporate Citizenship is integral to our Corporate Identity; thus the fair and respectful treatment of each of our employees is essential. Our employees’ empowerment is our success.

Consistent Corporate Governance is also a key component of our approach. Within our strategy we ensure that all of our stakeholders maintain high standards of excellence in Corporate Governance.

We understand that our responsibility does not just stop at our offices.  Therefore, we are keenly aware of our responsibility towards the environment and how we can reduce any possible negative impact our business might have. This includes our responsibility for the sustainable development of our society through upliftment initiatives. We value empowerment through education, enterprise development and sustainable job creation.

We believe in financial empowerment for our clients, stakeholders and all those who wish to work with us. Therefore, our corporate responsibility objective is to build a high-performance corporate culture that delivers long-term value.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race or gender. Our Corporate Citizenship is integral to our Corporate Identity; thus the fair and respectful treatment of each of our employees is essential. Our employees’ empowerment is our success.

Consistent Corporate Governance is also a key component of our approach. Within our strategy we ensure that all of our stakeholders maintain high standards of excellence in Corporate Governance.

We understand that our responsibility does not just stop at our offices.  Therefore, we are keenly aware of our responsibility towards the environment and how we can reduce any possible negative impact our business might have. This includes our responsibility for the sustainable development of our society through upliftment initiatives. We value empowerment through education, enterprise development and sustainable job creation.

Our Company

A history of financial refinement is woven into the fabric of our business, allowing us to understand both your personal and professional needs. We are fortunate to engage on a personal level with all our clients – a privilege that comes as a result of the size of our company.

Operating as a medium-sized practice, we are able to offer the full range of independent and objective advisory services that any large-scale firm provides, but because we are smaller, we can journey with our clients. We provide personalised professional assistance for each client and business.

‘Your Partner in Business’ indeed.

We work in partnership with our clients to help them develop their financial expertise while providing expert guidance along the way. We are your partner in achieving financial stability, empowerment and clarity. We are a registered member of the following professional bodies: South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA).

A history of financial refinement is woven into the fabric of our business, allowing us to understand both your personal and professional needs. We are fortunate to engage on a personal level with all our clients – a privilege that comes as a result of the size of our company.

Operating as a medium-sized practice, we are able to offer the full range of independent and objective advisory services that any large-scale firm provides, but because we are smaller, we can journey with our clients. We provide personalised professional assistance for each client and business.

‘Your Partner in Business’ indeed.

We work in partnership with our clients to help them develop their financial expertise while providing expert guidance along the way. We are your partner in achieving financial stability, empowerment and clarity. We are a registered member of the following professional bodies: South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA).



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Chartered Accountants (SA)
Registered Auditors

We are an Independent member
of BKR International

Tel: (012) 362 1431

Physical Address
426 King’s Highway,
Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081

Postal Address
Postnet suite 36
Private bag X025
Lynnwood Ridge, 0040

Latitude: 25°45’33.6″S
Longitude: 28°15’43.9″E


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