Month: April 2021

News Articles Archive

7 Effective Business Lessons Inspired by Madiba

7 EFFECTIVE BUSINESS LESSONS INSPIRED BY MADIBA We can in fact change the world and make it a better place. – Nelson Mandela In just a few days, on 18 July, the world will commemorate Nelson Mandela Day, dedicated to honour our Tata, Madiba, known for his great leadership skills

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How to breeze through a SARS Audit

how to breeze through a sars audit The aim of a tax audit is to determine if the taxpayer has complied with the relevant legislation administered by SARS – SARS Nobody wants to go through a SARS audit, as collating all the documents requires time, money and effort. What’s more,

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5 Top Employee Retention Strategies

5 top employee retention strategies People want to know they matter and they want to be treated as people. That’s the new talent contract. – Pamela Stroko, Vice President, HCM Transformation & Thought Leadership at Oracle Corporation Remote work, freelancing, and the gig economy have changed the face of business

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Is Venture Capital Right for your Business?

IS VENTURE CAPITAL RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS? One of the fun things about venture capital is you are constantly learning new ideas and strategies from one business and then applying them to others. – Joe Lonsdale, Technology Entrepreneur and Investor Few methods of finance in business cause as much confusion

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COIDA return of earnings deadline – 30 June 2024

EMPLOYERS:  COIDA return of earnings deadline – 30 June 2024 The Compensation Fund is mandated to provide social security to the injured-on-duty employees and those who contracted diseases at the workplace. – (Compensation Fund Annual Report 2021/2022) All employers – whether individuals or businesses – must be registered for COIDA,

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Quick tips for preventing time fraud

QUICK TIPS FOR PREVENTING TIME FRAUD Fraud and deceit are anxious for your money. Be informed and prudent. – John Andreas Widtsoe, scientist, author and religious leader Fraud: it’s a word that strikes fear into every business owner’s heart and something any good leader takes steps to avoid. By hiring

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Marius matriculated in 1981. He obtained the BCom degree at the University of Pretoria in 1985 and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1988. He completed his articles at Coetzee Johnson in Pretoria. In 1989 he joined the Commissioner of Inland Revenue: Special Investigations for two years and in 1991 he returned to the practice of auditing and accounting as director in LOGISTA CA(SA) Incorporated. He obtained the Forensic Auditing Certificate presented by the University of Pretoria in 1998. He is actively involved in various community services and has served on technical committees in the profession.